About Police Memorial Trail

In February 2021, the City of Savannah approved a contract with Johnson Laux for reconstruction and improvement of the Police Memorial Trail. The trail, which extends from Kerry Street to near the corner of 51st Lane and Bee Road, was constructed by Chatham County. It has been officially closed since 2016 awaiting repairs. Work began on trail improvements in March 2021. The scope of the work was as follows:
Work consists of removing existing deteriorated asphalt trail, stabilizing bank slopes and remediating wetlands where encroachment requires. Asphalt pavement will be replaced with concrete pavement and erosion-control measures will be implemented as specified by code and by design drawings. Repairs will provide an ADA-compliant trail surface that will lower long-term maintenance costs and provide trail continuity in trail surface with the Truman Trail project. It will complete the connection between northern terminus of the Truman Trail 2B at Bee Road and 52nd Street and Daffin Park, providing access to recreation and connectivity to residents as part of the Tide-to-Town trail network. More information.
Police Memorial Trail reopened in November 2021. Parking is available at the corner of Kerry Street and Dixie Avenue. Until Phase 2B of the Truman Linear Park Trail is completed, an interim on-street route can be used to reach the DeRenne Avenue trailhead of Truman Linear Park Trail Phase 2A.