At the Feb. 25, 2021 Savannah City Council meeting, council will vote on a resolution to increase the hotel/motel tax, with a portion of the taxes collected for tourism product development supporting $10 million for “the expansion of the Tide To Town Urban Trail Network,” as well as allocating $17 million “ to create trail, sidewalk, and other connections between the Historic District, westside neighborhoods, and the new arena.”

This modest adjustment, from 6% to 8%, would provide significant funding for trail construction and other much needed infrastructure investments in Savannah and would put us on the map as a world-class destination for biking and walking.

Want to share your thoughts with City Council? We’ve included some sample text below. Click here to find your council member’s email.

My name is [Name] and I am a resident of [District #]. I am writing to you in support of the proposed Hotel/Motel Tax increase, that would support the expansion of Tide To Town and create trail, sidewalk, and other connections between the Historic District, westside neighborhoods, and the new arena. 

The proposed projects, like Tide To Town, will create safe and welcoming places for residents and visitors of all ages and abilities to walk, bike and exercise safely and experience all districts of our great city. Thank you for your support.